Monday, August 19, 2013

And we're off!

293.  Two-ninety-three. Two hundred and ninety three.  If pounds were pennies, I'd probably buy doughnuts.  Welcome to my accountability blog.  My plan is to weigh myself every morning and post the results here.  Hopefully the public shaming will keep me from giving up and going back to my supper-size it, better make that two, damn right I have room for pie lifestyle.

Sadly 293 isn't the most I've ever weighed. When I was 19 I tipped the scales at 297.  I promised myself I'd never get that big again, but I didn't think I'd walk right up to that line then stop.  Oh well, I made my bed, then ate it apparently.  I don't really have a goal weight in mind, something in the 230-240 range would be good.  Man... that 293 was a shocker.  I haven't had a scale in a while, but when I did I tended to hover around 255.  I'd get up to about 265 when I was heavy.  I assumed that is where I was now. I did not see that 293 coming... gross.

So here is my "plan" to help me get healthy.  I've done the south beach diet in the past and had some success with it.  Before my wedding (7 years ago) I did south beach really seriously and I got down to about 225.  I know I have the will power to lose weight, I just need to motivate myself.  About a month ago I saw a story on the front page of yahoo about this guy, Joe Cross, and his mean green juice drink.  A week or so later my wife was watching Good Morning America and the same guy was on talking about the health benefits of juicing.  Then he was on the morning radio show I listen to.  Finally his movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead was on Netflix instant, so I said enough is enough and I watched it.  In the movie Joe and this other guy named Phil go on a juice cleanse/fast diet for 60 days.  When they were done they had both shed a crazy amount of tonnage.  Joe was down something like 90 lb. by movies end and Phil was down over 200 lb.  I am not those guys and I do not expect results like that.  I'm going to try to juice fast for 15 days and see what happens.  If everything is going to plan then I'll stay on it. If not, I'll do something else.  Here goes. Day 1. Let's get it on.


Name: Scott
Blood type: cookie dough
Juice Diet: yes


  1. Keep it up man. I couldn't do the diet thing no will power. So i went straight for the bariatric surgery and had 80% of my stomach removed. I had to be on liquids and juices for 5 weeks. Its hard the first week but it gets better I promise. by week 2 the craving to chew something goes away and seeing food isn't tough anymore. Congrats and good luck on the new adventure. Oh the things we do for our family to be around awhile longer.

  2. Awesome Scott! Saw that same documentary on Netflix and was curious about it to...I don't know if I could will power the same Robin..ugh omg..that is a bad night...keep it up though! I'm rooting for ya...then I can show my hubby and maybe we can do it..but first.. ;-) good luck!
    Brooke White
